Global Alexander Technique Hub


In August 2022 in Berlin, Alexander Technique Canada (ATC) spoke at the International Alexander Technique Congress regarding the concept of creating a Hub that would support Alexander Technique organizations and individuals on a global basis. The goal is to significantly increase public awareness and interest to build future, sustained growth of the Technique.

In response to the overwhelmingly positive feedback from the Congress, ATC has begun a non-profit project that will bring together experts, resources, research, and educational tools that can be shared amongst Alexander Technique organizations, associations, scientists, teacher-training schools, teachers, and students from both Canada and around the world.

To encourage inclusivity within the largest possible Alexander Technique international community, the Hub will be apolitical and not delve into training standards, which are better served at the local or national organizational level. Instead, the Hub would work towards common goals that all of its participating members would benefit from. 


ATC intends to support the Alexander Technique community by bringing together experts in marketing, fundraising, professional development, research, governance, administration, and teaching, to act as advisers to Alexander Technique organizations and individuals that may lack such expertise. 


For example, marketing Alexander Technique is not always easy and it does not come naturally to some Alexander Technique organizations or teachers: websites could be stronger, social media could be utilized to a much greater extent, and creative ideas on how to promote Alexander Technique businesses could be developed further. Strong, ongoing online presence is critical to reaching the public. ATC will gather experts in website design and programming, social media, marketing plans, and advertising, etc., to assist organizations and individuals to maximize their online presence.

An international marketing committee will be established. After analyzing the most efficient ways to get the Alexander Technique message out into the world, the committee can develop various marketing campaigns that could be used as templates for participating organizations.


The Hub will work with corporations, foundations, and government to access funds to support its work and the eventual need to hire staff. The Hub will also offer fundraising expertise to other non-profit Alexander Technique
organizations who want to increase their revenue streams. 

Professional Development

Continuing professional development for the global Alexander Technique community supports the Technique’s growth. ATC intends the Hub to bring together the most senior, experienced teachers to share their knowledge through both online and in-person programs for continuing professional development of AT teachers.


Ongoing research into the efficacy of Alexander Technique is critically important for legitimizing the Technique and explaining to the public why Alexander Technique can significantly improve their well-being. Encouraging international collaboration and offering research grants will be one of the programs developed within the Hub. 


The Hub will offer a library of policy and governance templates that small AT organizations could use and adapt to their own needs. For example, if a new AT organization was being formed and they wanted help with putting together their constitution/bylaws/rules of governance, a governance expert
could assist the organization in adapting a template to their own needs. Similarly, if an organization needed to write a strategic plan but did not know how to go about it, the Hub could provide some guidance and template options for the organization to adapt to their own needs.

Synergistic Opportunities 

Thousands of individuals and hundreds of organizations, schools, and associations will be able to become members of the Hub, which will provide them access to its resources, expertise, professional development opportunities, and to each other.

The ability to have all the AT organizations around the world found within one website and under one roof would create wonderful synergistic opportunities between member organizations.

Such a website will be very impressive to the public as it witnesses this thriving, diverse international community and understands that Alexander Technique is something very important in the world.

The Hub will have the unique opportunity to bring together members (both individuals and organizations) who have common interests and facilitate open and frequent exchange of ideas and the development of mutually-beneficial joint projects.

For example, under one roof, authors who want to publicize their Alexander Technique books, individuals or associations who want to organize conferences, or researchers who want to announce their findings will have an opportunity to reach targeted audiences. Teacher-training schools can broadcast their pedagogy to attract international students and the Hub could publish a journal supported by international written submissions. The opportunities for collaboration and mutual support within this global community are immense.

Training School Exchanges

If desired by teacher-training schools, ATC could facilitate an international exchange program between schools where trainees could experience a variety of teaching styles. 


ATC intends to host a forum on this page to flesh out specific ideas on how the Hub can support the Alexander Technique community as well as to hear feedback from our global community. From the ideas gathered within this forum, a business and strategic plan will be developed and executed. Please check back with us once we have the forum up and running. 

International Alexander Technique Congress, Berlin. Every three years, the Alexander Technique profession congregates to share knowledge, scientific findings, elevate skills, and bring the foremost experts of science together during this week-long event. Selected photos: Ruth Hommelsheim